Photo: Chris Goldstein
New Jersey residents continued to resoundingly support legal access to medical marijuana according to data released by The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute yesterday. The extensive poll largely concerned opinions held about Governor Chris Christie, the Legislature and other politicians. But some issues were also put to 1, 276 registered NJ voters, including medical marijuana.Regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or political affiliation the people of New Jersey support the rights of seriously ill individuals having legal access to cannabis. However, the poll did not ask about the current debate over the regulations for the medical marijuana program.Here’s the full data on the question:
From Quinnipiac University Polling Institute 12/21/2010 release LINK31. Do you support or oppose allowing adults in New Jersey to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if their doctor prescribes it?——- Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht BlkSupport 76% 66% 82% 77% 77% 75% 77% 78%Oppose 21 32 16 20 20 22 20 20DK/NA 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2—- AGE IN YRS……. POL PHIL………——- 18-34 35-54 55+ Lib Mod ConSupport 87% 78% 72% 88% 81% 60%Oppose 12 19 26 10 17 37DK/NA 1 3 3 2 2 2FULL Quinnipiac POLL DATA
Of note: The same poll found that the issue of legal medical cannabis is more strongly supported by voters than any New Jersey politician or governing body. For example: Governor Christie found overall support among 48% of voters polled.Among his base of Republican voters medical marijuana is just about as popular as Mr. Christie himself: 74% approve of the governor’s job so far and 66% support medical cannabis.Overall, medical marijuana remains one of the most widely supported public policy issues in the Garden State.