Bobby Tuna used to move tons of marijuana by sea and air. Activism is what moves voters and legislators; and it comes in all forms. For medical cannabis just providing basic education can have a profound impact. Especially when the right person delivers the message.
Robert Platshorn, also known as Bobby Tuna, spent 30 years in federal prison. His sentence was the longest for any non-violent marijuana offense. Bobby has a book about his smuggling days, Black Tuna Diaries, and writes articles for High Times Medical Marijuana Magazine.
Now’s he’s giving talks about the benefits of medical cannabis as part of the NORML/High Times Silver Tour to educate seniors.
Bobby has been joining Irvin Rosenfeld, one of the four surviving federal medical marijuana patients, for special presentations to local political clubs.
It was January when Platshorn spoke in front of the Palm Beach County delegation. State Representative Jeff Clemens requested more information after the meeting and then quickly introduced a resolution to legalize medical marijuana.
This story touches many important points of how activism really works and highlights the new frontier for marijuana politics: Americans over the age of 65
Bobby Tuna took time to speak with from Florida today for the first-hand account.
Freedom –Tell us a little bit about how this medical marijuana bill got started
It’s a good example of how just a couple of people can really make a difference.
Several months ago at our chapter meeting of NORML of South Florida one of our chapter members suggested that we go to local meetings where legislators come to their district and hear what the people have to say. The first meeting was in the City of South Miami.
A couple of our members went and they immediately agreed to pass a resolution asking the legislature to pass a medical marijuana bill. And they further resolved that they would ask other city councils to do the same thing.
Then one of the members asked me to go to the Palm Beach County meeting of the state legislators. They put me on the agenda for a 3-minute speech.
When I got there I found out that the legislators had no idea who I was or what I was going to talk about!
But I got up and within the 3-minutes did a good enough selling job to know that the Representative, Mr. Clemens, a new Democrat from West Palm Beach, had decided that he wanted to put in a bill.
His aide got in touch with me… I gave her as much material as I could find. And a week ago he announced that he was going to put in a medical marijuana bill.
This is a big deal in a state like Florida, which is very conservative especially around the Capitol. We didn’t have great hopes of getting a bill in this year unless we could get 700, 000 signatures on a petition.
Platshorn is involved with the local NORML Chapters and a grassroots group called PUFM. They were preparing to go out and get those hundreds of thousands of signatures.
When this bill actually goes to the floor it’s very likely to be that hey will put it up for a vote…because the state polls in support of medical marijuana. Now, this is a medical marijuana bill but Representative Clemens has said he also supports decriminalization.
Rep. Clemens made it clear what had motivated the bill.
When his aide contacted me she said that he had been considering a medical marijuana bill but that my speech helped him take it to the next step. So it doesn’t take a lot of people if you pursue every avenue. And I can’t take credit for this – it was a volunteer at my local NORML chapter who came up with the idea and put me on the agenda.
Freedom- Tell us about the goal for the new Silver Tour?
Seniors in this state, especially in my county, are over 70% in favor. It’s very well received. Seniors are not against medical marijuana but they have very little knowledge. They don’t know what a great preventative medicine it is and all of things that it being used for today very safely and effectively.
I think making sure that seniors are educated will really make a difference here in Florida for a possible vote count on medical marijuana. I want the Silver Tour to start more medical marijuana activism among seniors, one of the most important voting groups. I want them top pick up the phone and call their Congressman or Senator.
It’s gonna be that last pebble on the scale to get this done on the national level.
Freedom- What do you think the chances are for the bill?
I’m optimistic because there was a poll commissioned just a week ago and Republicans did it. That poll showed real support, but it also showed that political groups are looking to raise money and ways to save money. I’ve had a few calls where people tell me that our new Governor would be interested in closing prisons. Now marijuana offenders make up a good portion of the overall prisoners here in Florida
So yes; I’m optimistic. Rep. Clemens is cautiously pessimistic – I think he doesn’t want people to get their hopes up but I think he underestimates how much support there will be for the bill.
But I’ve been an optimist my whole life…it was optimism that kept me alive in prison for 30 years.
When Platshorn speaks, you can hear every day he spent in federal prison as one very strong emotion underneath his words.
That is what likely moved Rep. Jeff Clemens and what brought an active medical marijuana bill to Florida this week.
Bobby’s story is being told in the new documentary from Raconteur Films called Square Grouper. Screenings are coming to festivals up and own the East Coast.
Robert Platshorn (Bobby Tuna) and NM Gov. Gary Johnson at NORMLCON 2010 – NORML photo by David Sygall
Posted at 3/9/2011 – 7:15PM Update 3/10/11 – 12:12PM
Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. He volunteers with local groups to change prohibition laws including PhillyNORML and The Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey. He enjoys old-school hip-hop, vintage airplanes and changing the world. Contact chris { at }