Philadelphia: Marijuana arrests remain high

I am your neighbor and I smoke pot

"I am your neighbor and I smoke pot" sign at PhillyNORML march 2010

Each year PhillyNORML, the local chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, looks at the marijuana arrest data for the city. The information comes directly from the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System.

Here are the numbers for 2009, the most recent data available:

There were 6, 402 marijuana related arrests by Philadelphia City Police in 2009. These were stand-alone violations not in conjunction with other crime.

4, 656 were adults arrested for simple possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana.

Of the adults arrested for simple marijuana possession more than 75% were 18-29 years old (3,129) and 91% were men (4,251).

The trend of white women being the group who have the least amount of annual possession arrests was true again with just 104 all year; less than 10 per month.

Black women were three times more likely to be arrested than white women, with 300 women taken into custody in 2009 for marijuana possession less than 30 grams.

Overall, black residents were four times more likely to arrested for pot than white residents. For all marijuana violations, African Americans comprised 80% of those arrested in Philadelphia, a total of 5,158 adults.

To put this into perspective there were 10,661 African American residents arrested in all of Pennsylvania for marijuana violations during 2009. Thus, Philadelphia city police are performing about half of the annual statewide arrests of black people for marijuana.

Earlier this year District Attorney Seth Williams created a new diversion court for minor marijuana offenses. Instead of criminal prosecution offenders now pay a $200 fine.

While this alleviated the court burden of marijuana violations it does not address the arrests.

Quick Report: 26K Marijuana arrests in PA and Philadelphia

Marcher holding a volunteer-crafted sign at PhillyNORML

11/26/12 by Chris Goldstein – Pennsylvania maintains a crime reporting database that is almost unique in the United States for the excellent level of “sunshine.”  At PhillyNORML we’ve been analyzing the marijuana arrest data for many years.  Unlike other states – we can access detailed information about the marijuana arrests in every county or even down to individual precincts in a city.

First, the hard numbers for 2011, the most recent year that full data is available.


Code 18F Drug Possession Marijuana Total Adults =   17,542

Total Juveniles =   2,995

PA 2011 Marijuana possession arrests            TOTAL = 20,537

Code 18B Drug Sale/Manufacture Marijuana Total Adults = 5,115

Total Juveniles =    480

PA 2011 Marijuana Sale/Manufacture Arrests TOTAL  = 3,475

2011 Total marijuana arrests in Pennsylvania = 26,132

There was some interesting trending by age: 18-21 year-olds were most-arrested; accounting for almost half of all adult possession arrests. Overall 18-34 year-olds accounted for more than 85% of arrests in PA demonstrating that enforcement of marijuana prohibition falls largely on the shoulders of younger residents.

Although women self-report marijuana smoking at rates somewhat less than men, gender was a major factor in the arrest data. Men comprised almost 90% of marijuana possession arrests in PA. White women were the least arrested category in all ages and regions of Pennsylvania.

Philly Cops Love Weed (arrests)

Philadelphia has the largest concentration of pot arrests each year with some notable trends that break with the rest of the state.

First the numbers:


Code 18F Drug Possession Marijuana   Total Adults =   4,226

Total Juveniles =   605

PHILLY – 2011 Marijuana possession arrests            TOTAL = 4,831

Code 18B Drug Sale/Manufacture Marijuana Total Adults = 2,177

Total Juveniles =   187

PA 2011 Marijuana Sale/Manufacture Arrests TOTAL  = 2,364

2011 Total marijuana arrests in Philadelphia = 6,895

Philadelphia created the Small Amount of Marijuana (SAM) program in 2010 so that about 85% of these arrests are now diverted out of criminal court.  Still, Philadelphia is the only county or municipality in PA that requires a mandatory custodial arrest for any amount of pot. That means police in Philly must put marijuana offenders in handcuffs for a joint – but other PA police can write a Summary Violation to avoid the physical arrest.

The ethnic/racial disparity to Philadelphia marijuana arrests is the most noticeable trend. Of the 4,226 adult possession arrests 698 were white, 393 Hispanic and 3,495 black.

All available data shows that white and black people smoke marijuana at nearly equal rates.

The next largest area in Pennsylvania, the Pittsburgh Metro Area , saw 3,059 adult marijuana possession arrests in 2011: 1,897 white and 1,148 black.

It is unclear as to why Philadelphia maintains a uniquely harsh policy for marijuana. The custodial arrest practice for even a joint may be costing the city more than $3 million per year out of the Public Safety budget.

The Pennsylvania General Assembly could take the pragmatic step of simply decriminalizing adult cannabis possession. This would get rid of the harsh and racially disparate enforcement in Philadelphia and save tens of millions of tax dollars across the Commonwealth.

Voters in Washington and Colorado authorized legalizing and regulating recreational marijuana, making the continued arrest of large numbers of East Coast cannabis consumers even more senseless.

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. Questions?  [email protected]

Philadelphia Saving Time and Money with New Pot Procedure

PhillyNORML's annual cannabis march on South Street takes place on Saturday May 21, 2011.

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s office is calling a new set of procedures for minor pot cases a success and plans to continue with the Small Amount of Marijuana (SAM) program.

Last year the Pennsylvania Supreme Court worked with the new DA, Seth Williams, to make a pragmatic change in how the justice system deals with marijuana possession of 30 grams or less. A new program was created that includes a diversion court appearance, an education class and fees of $200. The major difference is that there is no longer an instant criminal prosecution. The offender pleads to a non-drug related charge that is automatically expunged from their record.

In January PhillyNORML’s Chris Goldstein spoke with Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney Joe McGettigan about the new marijuana policy. McGettigan said that the SAM program is working, “Look, certainly this was a much better option than sending all these people into the criminal court last year for misdemeanors.”

The DA’s office provided the following figures related to the SAM program:

June 2010 to September 2010

1636 marijuana possession cases less than 30 grams TOTAL

339 bench warrants issued for failure to appear

1297 marijuana possession cases less than 30g are heard

1025 enter the Small Amount of Marijuana diversion program ( 79% )

81 went to trial

187 statuses continued

4 cases withdrawn

The procedural shift has eased penalties and a particularly harsh process for offenders. For the last two decades anyone in Philadelphia who was caught with a single joint on up to 30 grams was held for bail then prosecuted in a criminal court. This involves a tremendous amount of the justice system’s resources and the expensive procedure was almost unique in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

There are over 4,500 such cases in Philly every year (the largest concentration of pot arrests in PA) so minor marijuana offenses were literally clogging holding cells, bail officer, printing machines, court reporters, clerks, judges and courtrooms. The real world cost savings for the city this year by eliminating those expenses could tally into the millions.The shift also made a significant, tactile change; residents who consume marijuana and run afoul of prohibition laws have a less traumatic experience.

PhillyNORML’s Chris Goldstein said, “This was a positive shift for the city. Still minor marijuana possession arrests are increasing and continue a disturbing trend of being extremely racially disparate.”

An average of about 325 black men, 50 black women, 95 white men and 8 white women will be arrested every month this year in Philadelphia.

Rally in NYC: Marijuana is Safer for St. Pat’s

National NORML bus stop ad with Mayor Bloomberg

On March 17th at high noon things with get a little greener in Manhattan: Empire State NORML will remind New Yorkers that marijuana is a safer alternative to alcohol for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.  A rally and a press conference are planned for City Hall Park.

Douglas Greene of Empire State NORML organized the event. He was inspired by the book Marijuana is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? by Steve Fox, Paul Armentano and Mason Tvert.

“While scores of New Yorkers are out getting hammered, we want to remind the Big Apple that there is a safer, greener and cleaner choice for adults: marijuana.”

The State of New York decriminalized minor marijuana possession in 1979. But the city has since enacted municipal codes that spur all of the arrests. For instance, Marijuana in Public View is a criminal misdemeanor.

SEE:CORRECTIONS: NYC Rally, East Coast Gets Serious

“New York City made over 50,000 marijuana possession arrests last year alone, and over 500,000 since 1996,” Greene said today.  “Why are we wasting all of this money and why is the Bloomberg Administration continuing to push New Yorkers to drink?”

According to Greene the NYPD is now handling nearly 1,000 arrests a week just for pot or 15% of all arrests in New York City. This is no small matter, with 2.7% of the U.S. population; New York City alone now represents a striking 6% of all the marijuana arrests in the country.

Press conference speakers include:
· Dr. Julie Holland is a psychiatrist specializing in psychopharmacology, with a private practice in New York City established in 1996. She is the editor of The Pot Book: A Complete Guide to Cannabis, and Ecstasy: The Complete Guide.  Holland is the author of Weekends at Bellevue: Nine Years on the Nightshift of the Psych ER.  She has frequent appearances in news media as an expert guest on drug issues.

· Dr. Harry Levine: is a professor of sociology at Queens College, City University of New York.  He has won awards for his writing about the history of addiction, about alcohol prohibition and regulation, and about crack cocaine and the war on drugs. His current research examines the epidemic of racially-biased marijuana arrests in the U.S and why, since 1997, New York City has arrested more people for possessing small amounts of marijuana than any city in the history of the world.

· Tony Newman, Director of Media Relations for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), the nation’s leading organization calling for alternatives to the drug war and policies based on science, compassion, health, and human rights.

· Daniel Jabbour: New York State Coordinator for Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), an international grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities.

· Chris Goldstein:  Chris worked on behalf of PhillyNORML with city officials in Philadelphia to urge for a change in procedures. A new marijuana diversion court was employed in 2010.  Goldstein is also on the Board of Directors at NORML-NJ and The Coalition for Medical Marijuana-NJ (CMM-NJ). He recently launched to cover East Coast cannabis reform.

More information:

Facebook Event Page

Empire State NORML logoFacebook event page

PRESS CONFERENCE: Marijuana is Safer than Beer for St. Pat’s
Empire State NORML
New York State Chapter – The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
WHEN: St. Patrick’s Day, Thursday, March 17th, 2011 at high noon
WHERE: City Hall Park – Broadway between Park Place and Barclay (east side)
WHO: Empire State NORML, national marijuana policy experts
WHAT: Press Conference
CONTACT: Douglass Greene (516) 242-4666 doug{ at }

Please Welcome, Dr.Cannabinergy!

Sunil Aggarwal

[Editor’s Note from Jahan Marcu] – This guest post was written by Sunil Aggarwal, M.D., PhD. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal is a graduate of the University of Washington’s NIH-supported Medical Scientist Training Program. He received his M.D. in 2010 and his Ph.D. in Medical Geography in 2008. He completed his internship in Preliminary Internal Medicine at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington and is currently continuing his Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at New York University’s Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine.

As an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Dr. Aggarwal conducted and published human studies of medical cannabis use under the first-ever granted federal Certificates of Confidentiality which protected 176 enrolled study subjects recruited both from sites of both cannabis delivery and medical consultation.  He has authored or co-authored papers on cannabinoid medical science, dosing, and human rights published in journals of Pain medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, General Medicine, and Law, in addition to a book chapter for the general public.[Read More about Dr. Aggarwal]

Dear Readers of,

My friend and colleague, cannabinoid researcher and doctoral student Jahan Marcu of Temple Univeristy, has graciously invited me to write a blog post here introducing the launch of my new website,

At its core, is a vehicle for public education to inspire, alight, and broadly educate internet users about basic and social scientific understandings regarding the endogenous cannabinoid signaling system and the cannabingeric properties of cannabis hempflowers.  It seeks to be relevant to current policy debates and therefore aims to present the ecological politics, or political ecology, of cannabis, thereby giving visitors a broader understanding of the complex web of powerful actors and grassroots movements that are variously attempting to enclose, monopolize, ignore, or democratize this increasingly valued botanical resource.  In this current scenario, a website such as is needed to help to stimulate and facilitate the public conversation regarding the status of this plant as a commons resource and its responsible use guided by science and green ethics.

The website accomplishes much of this by showcasing my own academic and personal journey as a bicultural physician-scientist and medical geographer who has, over time, come to understand the social and medicinal significance of the cannabis plant.  This is illustrated through a online digital library of papers, public presentations, interviews, personal reflections, and photographs.  The ultimate goal is to link this website up to another one called which will allow a much greater degree of user participation and dialogue.  I invite you to explore, learn, be inspired, and share at!

Thank you,

Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, M.D., PhD

aka “Dr. Cannabinergy”

Jahan Marcu is currently investigating the pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors. He was working at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute when exciting discoveries were made showing enhanced anti-cancer effects with THC and CBD from the Cannabis plant. The findings were published in the Journal of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. In 2009 he received the Billy Martin Award from the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS). Jahan is currently the vice-chair the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board at Americans for Safe Access (ASA). Questions?   Contact    [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent any University, business or affiliates. While the information provided in this blog is from published scientific studies it is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Rep. Merrick, NH Advocates Keep Up Fight for Medical Marijuana

5/17/2011 – Representative Evalyn Merrick of New Hampshire is keeping up the fight for medical marijuana. She is a cancer survivor who is sponsoring the compassionate use bill. Backed by a strong grassroots network and many of her peers in the NH General Court, they have seen the effort get close to victory.  But a major hurdle was thrown up last week.

Under threat of veto by Governor John Lynch, the Senate stopped the bill from going out to a floor vote. The legislation had already passed the House; the Senate vote would have sent the bill to the governor’s desk. Two years ago a similar bill cleared committees and floor votes in both houses with bi-partisan support, only to be vetoed by Lynch.

“I was hoping with all hope that it would pass,” said Merrick in a phone call to Freedomisgreen on Friday.

But her reaction was that of a pragmatic and seasoned legislator, “I knew that they were against the bill passing the Senate,” said Merrick. “Especially since the Governor discussed the bill with the majority caucus. In light of that knowledge a tabling vote was probably the best thing, because the bill isn’t dead and will come back in the session next year. “

However, the reaction from local activists was more biting. They feel that Senators should not have kowtowed to Lynch.

Sarah Levesque is a vocal advocate in New Hampshire who attended the Senate session on May 11, 2011. She emailed this report and her reaction:

HB 442 was voted on in the House and passed with an overwhelming majority and was introduced to the senate on March 23, 2011. The Senate Health and Human Services committee held their public hearing on April 14th; it was well attended, with standing room only. There was again, extensive testimony in support of the bill. Veterans, doctors, legislators, patients, all gave honest first hand testimony of the benefits of medicinal cannabis, while the Attorney General’s office portrayed the bill using presumptions and gross over exaggerations.

The Senate was then set to vote on HB 442. Sponsors, advocates, supporters and patients took the time to come to watch the proceedings on May 10th to show their support. Clayton Holton, a Muscular Dystrophy patient, took the time and energy to travel from Somersworth to attend the proceedings.

Clayton previously testified that he weighed 79 pounds at six feet tall prior to using cannabis. He explained that within two months he had gained eight pounds. He credits his life to cannabis.

Clayton is confined to a wheelchair and was denied access to the voting session. The Gallery to view the Senate Chambers is accessible only by stairs. The Senate Chambers themselves would have been accessible, but he was not allowed the exception.

Just before the bill was introduced, a recess was called. The Republican Senators congregated in one area, while the Democrats in another.

The Senate reconvened, and the bill was introduced. Sen. Molly Kelly spoke in favor of the bill. Senator Raymond White stood and spoke about Clayton and urged support.

Levesque continued:

A motion to table the bill was introduced and the Senate jumped on it. They displayed an appalling level of cowardice by avoiding and ignoring the patients affected by this bill. To not have the decency to face this man while determining his fate is despicable.

Rep. Merrick was still hopeful that they might be able to reach some compromise on the bill’s language that would move Gov. Lynch to support it.

“As disappointed as it was, I know that we’ve brought in so many different stakeholders in this process in order to have something that the Governor will sign. I’ve been working on this bill for 6 years I think that’s why it has become a model for other states.  And we can make it better. I’m not giving up on this.”

Then she added, “Who knows, maybe the federal government will figure this out too?”

I could not resist asking a follow-up to that final point.

So do you think it would be a good idea for state elected officials like yourself to travel to Washington DC in order to ask Congress to re-schedule marijuana at the federal level?

Merrick responded quickly, “Absolutely, without any hesitation of doubt. It has been proven with all of the science. We need the federal government to change the schedule [of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act] in order for people, to have access safely … and for the right reasons.”

So, as advocates stride to clear this new obstacle for medical marijuana in New Hampshire they may also have some positive influence on the national debate. State legislators like Merrick, the well-educated champions for local patients, could have a significant impact in DC.

More info at

Questions?  [email protected]

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. He volunteers with local groups to change prohibition laws including PhillyNORML and The Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey.

Poll Shows NJ Voters Continue Strong Medical Marijuana Support

Photo: Chris Goldstein

New Jersey residents continued to resoundingly support legal access to medical marijuana according to data released by The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute yesterday. The extensive poll largely concerned opinions held about Governor Chris Christie, the Legislature and other politicians. But some issues were also put to 1, 276 registered NJ voters, including medical marijuana.Regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or political affiliation the people of New Jersey support the rights of seriously ill individuals having legal access to cannabis. However, the poll did not ask about the current debate over the regulations for the medical marijuana program.Here’s the full data on the question:

From Quinnipiac University Polling Institute 12/21/2010 release LINK31. Do you support or oppose allowing adults in New Jersey to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if their doctor prescribes it?——- Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht BlkSupport 76% 66% 82% 77% 77% 75% 77% 78%Oppose 21 32 16 20 20 22 20 20DK/NA 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2—- AGE IN YRS……. POL PHIL………——- 18-34 35-54 55+ Lib Mod ConSupport 87% 78% 72% 88% 81% 60%Oppose 12 19 26 10 17 37DK/NA 1 3 3 2 2 2FULL Quinnipiac POLL DATA

Of note: The same poll found that the issue of legal medical cannabis is more strongly supported by voters than any New Jersey politician or governing body. For example: Governor Christie found overall support among 48% of voters polled.Among his base of Republican voters medical marijuana is just about as popular as Mr. Christie himself: 74% approve of the governor’s job so far and 66% support medical cannabis.Overall, medical marijuana remains one of the most widely supported public policy issues in the Garden State.

Review on clinical studies with cannabis and cannabinoids


In 2006 an excellent review on cannabis and cannabinoid clinical trials was published by Ben Amar. However, there have been at least 37 new clinical trials evaluating medical applications of cannabis and cannabinoids since 2005. The new review of clinical trials was published by Dr. Arno Hazekamp and Dr.Franjo Grotenhermen.

To date, a large number of controlled clinical trials have been done evaluating the therapeutic applications of cannabis and cannabis-based preparations. In 2006, an excellent review was published, discussing the clinical trials performed in the period 1975 to June 2005 [Ben Amar 2006].

The current review reports on the more recent clinical data available. A systematic search was performed in the scientific database of PubMed, focused on clinical studies that were randomized, (double) blinded, and placebo-controlled. The period screened was from July 1, 2005 up to August 1, 2009.

The key words used were: cannabis, marijuana, marihuana, hashish, cannabinoid(s), tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, CBD, dronabinol, Marinol, nabilone, Cannador and Sativex. For the final selection, only properly controlled clinical trials were retained. Open-label studies were excluded, except if they were a direct continuation of a study discussed here.

Thirty-seven controlled studies evaluating the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids were identified. For each clinical trial, the country where the project was held, the number of patients assessed, the type of study and comparisons done, the products and the dosages used, their efficacy and their adverse effects are described. Based on the clinical results, cannabinoids present an interesting therapeutic potential mainly as analgesics in chronic neuropathic pain, appetite stimulants in debilitating diseases (cancer and AIDS), as well as in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

Keywords: cannabinoids, cannabis, therapeutic potential, controlled clinical trial, efficacy, safety

This article can be downloaded, printed and distributed freely for any non-commercial purposes, provided the original work is properlycited (see copyright info below). Available online at
Author’s address: Arno Hazekamp, [email protected]

Their research paper can be accessed here.

Science Editor Jahan Marcu is currently investigating the pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors. Contact science { at }

PA Congressional Hopeful Supports Marijuana Reform and Occupy Philadelphia

Marijuana reform signs at Occupy Philadelphia 10/10/2011 – Photo by Chris Goldstein

2/2/2012 – A progressive activist is getting national attention after announcing his run for US Congress in Pennsylvania’s 13th District. Nathan Kleinman, 29, is seeking the Democratic nomination from incumbent Allyson Schwartz. Kleinman has been consistently involved with Occupy Philadelphia on the front lines of many protest actions and in the General Assembly process.

Some of of Kleinman’s talking points as a potential candidate include ending marijuana prohibition and re-thinking the drug war.

A recent Times-Herald article pointed out:

Kleinman said he plans to stump on civil liberties issues, including marriage equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Americans, and advocates complete decriminalization of marijuana and drug policy reform. He said Schwartz has let down her constituents by being silent on topics that matter. read full

No stranger to politics, Kleinman worked on several high-profile campaigns and did a stint as a legislative assistant for a PA state representative. Still, this is his first run for office. caught up with Nate yesterday; he was brimming with excitement while planning the next steps for the campaign. “It was really amazing when  the first people came out to sign the petition…there’s so much support. That’s why we’re going to win this.”

More info at – on Twitter @nateforcongress

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. Questions?  [email protected]

PA Congressman Chaka Fattah Supports Decriminalizing Marijuana

PhillyNORML logo

5/25/2011 – When the Philadelphia Weekly video team hit the streets to talk about marijuana laws many officials were shy of the camera. But reporter Matt Petrillo did speak with Philly’s District Attorney Seth Williams and US Congressman Chaka Fattah in this new video.  Both of these respected politicians call for a more sensible approach to marijuana, one that does not involve jail.

The video also features footage of the PhillyNORML South St. Cannabis Peace March on May 21, 2011.

Questions? Contact editor Chris Goldstein [email protected] or 267 702 3731