4/3/2011 – The East Coast continues to come alive with bills to allow legal access to cannabis for seriously ill residents. House Bill 577 The North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act was introduced by sponsoring legislators on Thursday March 31. This is the third time in five years that the Tar Heel State has tried for similar legislation. Local media isn’t giving the current effort much of a chance, but regional support is trending in favor of the concept.
Asheville Citizen-Times: Rep. Patsy Keever, D-Buncombe, is one of three primary sponsors of the North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act filed on Thursday.
The legislation would allow patients with debilitating medical conditions to use marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. It would set up a system for operating medical cannabis centers and growing marijuana for medical use.
Keever said marijuana has proved to be a good, affordable pain reliever for people who suffer from chronic illnesses or are undergoing cancer treatments. She said the state could also make money from growing it.
“We’re not saying that we want everyone smoking weed,” Keever said. “We want people to be alleviated from their pain.”
Medical use and cultivation of marijuana is legal in 15 states and the District of Columbia, but no Southern states have legalized the drug for medical use.
Similar medical marijuana bills introduced in North Carolina have gained little traction. Previous legislation introduced in past sessions never made it to the floor. read more
NC joins over a dozen US States with active legislation considering safe access. Most of the states with existing laws operate some type of system for patients to grow, posses and/or purchase medical cannabis.
Activism link: http://www.nccpn.org/