North Carolina Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced

4/3/2011 – The East Coast continues to come alive with bills to allow legal access to cannabis for seriously ill residents. House Bill 577 The North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act was introduced by sponsoring legislators on Thursday March 31. This is the third time in five years that the Tar Heel State has tried for similar legislation. Local media isn’t giving the current effort much of a chance, but regional support is trending in favor of the concept.

Asheville Citizen-Times: Rep. Patsy Keever, D-Buncombe, is one of three primary sponsors of the North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act filed on Thursday.

The legislation would allow patients with debilitating medical conditions to use marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. It would set up a system for operating medical cannabis centers and growing marijuana for medical use.

Keever said marijuana has proved to be a good, affordable pain reliever for people who suffer from chronic illnesses or are undergoing cancer treatments. She said the state could also make money from growing it.

“We’re not saying that we want everyone smoking weed,” Keever said. “We want people to be alleviated from their pain.”

Medical use and cultivation of marijuana is legal in 15 states and the District of Columbia, but no Southern states have legalized the drug for medical use.

Similar medical marijuana bills introduced in North Carolina have gained little traction. Previous legislation introduced in past sessions never made it to the floor.  read more

NC joins over a dozen US States with active legislation considering safe access. Most of the states with existing laws operate some type of system for patients to grow, posses and/or purchase medical cannabis.

Activism link:

NORML Women’s Alliance Rocks 40th Annual Conference

Diane speaking on the NWA panel

4/29/2011 by Diane Fornbacher – As the NORML Women’s Alliance (NWA) Vice Chair and Grassroots Activism Editor at, I was very proud to speak on the ‘Closing The Cannabis Gender Gap’ panel. I spoke about being a mother, cannabis reform activism and the D.A.R.E. program.

I was joined by Sabrina Fendrick, Chair of the NWA (who also moderated the panel) as well as Georgia Edson from Mile High NORML/Herbal Connections, Kyndra Miller of Cannabusiness Law, and Stacia Cosner who is the Associate Director of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). We are all members of the NWA Steering Committee.

The Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt was packed and the audience was so beautiful and supportive. We received a standing ovation and our luncheon following the panel was completely sold out.

Watch the panel in its entirety here thanks to NORML Show LIVE:

Special thank you to Madeline Martinez, the Executive Director of Oregon NORML and proud Member of the Board of NORML.

NORML is 40 years strong, helping locals fight for legal pot

Today the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) marked 40 years of fighting for an end to prohibition. While the battle has reached a high point, America’s top marijuana advocacy group took a moment to recognize the strength of its grassroots. NORML Executive Director Allen St Pierre said in a release today:

Cannabis law reformers are on the precipice of major social changes in favor of the liberalization of cannabis laws—and the state and federal governments, law enforcement and competitors to legal cannabis all recognize this to be true.

None of this would have been possible for NORML over these many years without the dedicated grassroots support provided by stakeholders.

Recognizing that most of the hardest work that entailed the greatest amounts of personal self-sacrifice are thankfully behind us, we also have to recognize there is still much work left to do before adults can lawfully use cannabis products in a manner and form similar to the way adults can consume alcohol products.

Take a moment to read the full release here:

Chris Goldstein and NORML's founder Keith Stroup at the Boston Freedom Rally 2009

Steve Bloom at also has an excellent overview:

I am here to tell you, first hand, that National NORML serves as the most important resource for local marijuana activists.

Here are some of the rather priceless tools NORML has provided, for free, to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania medical cannabis efforts:

–    Mass awareness: When NORML puts a local campaign into the weekly press release or posts it to Facebook and Twitter the story gets instant attention

–    Providing expert testimony to legislative committees: Deputy Director Paul Armentano, one of nation’s leading cannabis experts along with NORML’s network of professionals help us make our case to elected officials

–    Providing information that is easy to use and share: Booklets, ready documents, pre-made pamphlets, web banners and research material are all available at

–    The CAPWIZ program: Having local residents contact their elected officials is probably the most essential form of organizing political change. NORML provides a tool to make that citizen-to-legislator interaction possible. The CAPWIZ service is expensive, far beyond the means of most local chapters. But National NORML works with volunteers on the ground to use CAPWIZ, generating vital contact.

NORML’s founder Keith Stroup was interviewed on NORML Show Live today and was asked about the future of the group beyond legalization. Keith hinted that NORML would likely become a powerful consumer protection lobby once cannabis was regulated and taxed, something akin to a sweeter smelling version of Nader’s Raiders.

At 40 years strong  NORML clearly owns an important role in the future of American freedom.

Please take a moment right now to donate to national NORML – pot will NOT legalize itself!


Grassroots Editor Interviews Cannabis Reform Pioneer Debby Goldsberry

Debby Goldsberry is a formidable presence in the arena of cannabis reform and has been for the past 25 years. She received the NORML Pauline Sabin award in 2005 and co-founded Berkeley Patients Group. In honor of Women’s History Month, our very own Diane Fornbacher interviews this long-standing pioneer.

Story and photo by Diane Fornbacher/Source:

You helped found the successful Berkeley Patients Group in 2000, what other projects have you got cooking?

Right now, I am largely focused on helping to implement the medical cannabis ordinances passed in Oakland and Berkeley in the fall of 2011. Each city is planning to issue more dispensary permits, and they are trying to issue manufacturing permits for medical cannabis cultivation. The federal government is pushing back hard, even threatening to arrest the Oakland City Council. So, there is work to be done in each of these cities to get permits issued. Medical cannabis needs to be produced in a safe manner, and these two cities plan to set a standard for others to follow nationwide.

I’ve also been working closely with the NORML Women’s Alliance (NWA) on the Steering Committee to amplify the voices of women in the drug policy reform movement, specifically regarding parents and families.

Cannabis Action Network (CAN), where we are setting the stage for further development and evolution are developing the CAN History Project, which will record counterculture history from the 1980’s until 1996 when Prop 215 passed. A lot of history needs to be preserved and shared. Also, knowledge gained through tough times and the fun times over the last 20 years in fighting against the drug war will be documented.

Since Proposition 215 or the (Compassionate Use Act of 1996) passed, 15 states and Washington D.C. have had varying degrees of success and failure with their medical marijuana programs. Which states do you believe have the most compassionately crafted laws?

Well, I don’t think anyone’s done it perfectly yet. None of them are effectively dealing with the supply problem. Many patients still can’t get their medicine, there is an over proliferation of dispensaries which creates a backlash – in Michigan, Colorado and in Los Angeles specifically (there are pockets of perfection in the Bay Area). In Maine, each dispensary must supply all of their own medicine from only one facility. Recently, large greenhouses in Maine suffered roof collapses from snow. Imagine that one problem like this wiping out the entire supply of medicine for the patients there. It would take months to get back up and running. Locally is where most of the hope is found. When a city works with stakeholders, good regulations develop. Sometimes the states don’t do a great job, but locally, good plans can come to pass. We want to work on regulations more here in California and hope other state governments will follow our successes. Until then, we’re sort of in a holding pattern until things get more precise and functioning properly at our local level.

Read more.

No Permit for Low Cost Marijuana Supplier in NJ

Medical cannabis growing in Oakland, CA – photo by C. Goldstein

It wasn’t easy. When it comes to growing and supplying medical marijuana New Jersey ran the most expensive application process seen to date. Just a handful of groups tried and yesterday The Department of Health and Senior Services announced the first six to gain approval.  Candidates had to overcome short deadlines, unclear regulations and significant capitalization all to run a not-for-profit business.

One group wanted to offer medical cannabis at the lowest possible cost, but they were not among those selected. Their innovative plan had the blessing of a local township and would have supplied medical marijuana at an astounding discount. spoke with two of the individuals in the Compassion Collective of Camden County who had hoped to serve patients at less than $200 per ounce.

Peter Rosenfeld is the Chairman of the Board and crafted the application. He also provided the nonrefundable portion of the application fee.

How did the municipal officials respond to the ATC concept?

The officials we spoke to in the business development group were interested…they said it was unusual but it was interesting. After we gave them a presentation they thought it would be a well-controlled organization and well regulated by the state. They thought this would fit well into Pennsauken.

We were going to be growing it in a flex manufacturing zone. Our initial concern was if we needed to find a separate zone for the dispensary area. We wanted to have two locations, one for growing and one for dispensing, but I was terribly fearful of the transportation between the two. But we ended up with one location for both.

Did you know any of the individuals in the groups that were selected?


Would you go through the application process again?

Let me tell you the next time around there’s going to be hundreds of applications and the competition is going to be fierce; because I expect the regulations will have been modified to a more sensible model. There are a lot of people waiting in the wings who would like to apply when the situation is more business oriented.

Tell us about the model you wanted to pursue

To offer cannabis to patients at the lowest cost possible while operating as a true non-profit.

How much?

$160 per ounce. But our goal was to lower it over time as the operation expanded… but we had a sliding scale. It was a 4-tier scale.

How did you get the cost down?

A highly efficient hydroponics assembly line, all while keeping labor down due to the automation.

What was the biggest hurdle in the application process?

The short turnaround time. From the time the final RFA rules came out to the due date was six business days: From Feb 3rd to Feb 14th

Then; how to capitalize it. Because I needed start up [investment money] even for the non-profit. I didn’t want any ownership in the ATC from anyone who wanted to make a profit. It all had to be a true business loan.

So you gave over a $20,000 check and will get $18,000 back. How do you feel about the other two grand?

It would have been a nice vacation.

Why do you think you didn’t get awarded a permit?

Probably because our model was too small for what the state was looking for. I based our model on reasonable conditions and I was expecting a rather small number of patients.

Next we spoke with Jeffrey Pollack MD, a physician in Cape May County who was named as the Medical Director on the application.

What  do you think of the six centers that got a permit?

South Jersey was left out. There are no facilities in the very southern part of the state like Cape May.

What do you think about the registry that DHSS is requiring for physicians to recommend cannabis?

It severely limits the field of doctors who can recommend marijuana. They make you fill out a form on the DHSS website showing that you have a certification in pain management and addiction control. Classically it has been oncologists who have been most vocal in recommending cannabis to their patient. They are not experts in pain management but they are losing patients to chemotherapy every day. Essentially what this does is create  de facto “Marijuana Specialist” doctors in New Jersey.

Grassroots information:

NJ DHSS Medicinal Marijuana Program website

NJ DHSS Press Release March 21, 2011

No More Drug War – East Coast Vigils and Events

Image from PhillyNORML

This week advocacy organizations are holding events in dozens of communities calling for an end to the Drug War. President Nixon declared the failed effort 40 years ago – June 17, 1971.

More than 800,000 Americans are arrested each year for marijuana violations, more than for all other drugs combined.

From information workshops with activists to somber candle-light vigils for victims this is a poignant moment to take action. Below is a listing of events on the east coast – if we missed any please email [email protected] and we’ll be sure to add it here!

Drug Policy Alliance – Newseum Press Conference and Lunch
June 16, 2011 at 12:30PM-1:30PM
The Newseum, Knight Studio A, 555 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Ethan Nadelmann, executive director, DPA
Jared Polis, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Colorado’s 2nd district
Peter Shumlin, Governor of Vermont
Sonja Sohn, actress from acclaimed HBO Series “The Wire”
Maxine Waters, Member of U.S. House of Representatives from California’s 35th district

New Hampshire Teapot Party
Vigil for victims of the War on Drugs
Friday, June 17 · 8:00pm – 11:00pm
Sidewalk in front of the Statehouse 107 N. Main Street Concord, NH

New Jersey Marijuana Reform Groups
No More Drug War
June 17, 2011 at 12:00 pm – 1:00 PM
State House front steps, Trenton, New Jersey

Direct Action for Rights and Equality
Block Party
The intersection of Lockwood & Hayward Streets Providence, RI

HempCT (Here Ends Marijuana Prohibition- CT)
End the Drug War
June 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Bushnell Park Pavilion- Hartford

No More Drug War
June 17, 2011 at 8:00PM to 9:00PM
Independence Mall – 5th Street and Arch Street Philadelphia, PA

Project South and The Ordinary Peoples Society (TOPS)
No More Drug War
June 17, 2011 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Department of Justice 702 Spring St. Atlanta, GA 30308

Women On The Rise Telling HerStory-WORTH
Round table discussion and Vigil
June 17, 2011 at 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
163 W. 125th Street, between 7th and Lenox
New York, NY 10027

Institute of the Black World 21st Century’s Black Family Summit
Forum on the War on Drugs
National Press Club: 529 14th Street Northwest
Washington, D.C.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., Congressmen John Conyers Jr. and Bobby Scott.
Institute of the Black World

George Washington School of Law
June 17, 2011 at 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Lafayette Park 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington D.C
Facebook Event Page
SSDP National Media Contact: Stacia Cosner 410-299-3433
On-site Media Contact: Irina Alexander [email protected] 410-971-6588

West Chester University Students for Sensible Drug Policy
June 17, 2011 at 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
High and Market Street, 2 North High Street West Chester, PA 19380
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Joshua Merer 908-358-6026 [email protected] or Trevor Hosterman 610-812-2235 [email protected]

West Virginia UniversityJune 17, 2011 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
De Lazy Lizard: 345 High Street Morgantown, WV
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Tom Wytiaz  [email protected] 304-203-3842
SSDP National Media Contact: Stacia Cosner [email protected] 410-299-3433

Florida State UniversityJune 17, 2011 at 7:30 PM
Lake Ella, Tallahassee
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Cody Swingle [email protected] 814-454-9359 or Mallory Wharton [email protected] 850-766-4191

University of Miami
June 17, 2011 at 8:00 PM
Miami Beach Police Station
1100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Alfred Kilzi [email protected] 3054981616 or Sabrina Koramblyum [email protected] 917-753-5620

University of Rhode IslandJune 17, 2011 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
India St. Providence RI 02903
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Kristin Purvis [email protected] 401-714-6458
SSDP National Media Contact: Stacia Cosner [email protected] 410-299-3433

Columbia University
June 17, 2011 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Columbia U. Sidewalk – 116th Street and Broadway New York NY 10027
Facebook Event Page
On-site Media Contact: Katharine Celentano, [email protected], 914 420 2525

More events at:

No, it’s Not NORML to be Sexist…but Thanks for Asking

This is in response to Radical Russ Belville’s latest piece entitled “Is it NORML to be Sexist?

Mr. Belville takes on a common issue regarding women’s roles in the marijuana movement, addressing the scantily clad babes often seen at pot trade magazines and expos and how they could be ultimately hurting “the cause.” He also notes the disproportionate amount of men in relation to women throughout said cause, as well as being smokers.

“Those who have tried pot in their lifetime are 54% male; by the time you get to the daily tokers like me, it’s 68%.  That’s two tokers for every tokette!  (Hmm, is “tokette” sexist?)”

No, tokette is obviously not sexist. But way to diminish terms that genuinely are! Sexism tends to be the one “ism” that can be joked about freely (and kind of lamely, in this case). Had you made a similar remark re: African American people (Hmmm…is “darkette” racist?), it wouldn’t have been construed as remotely funny. But alas, by simply critiquing a joke, I must be utterly lacking in a sense of humor. (It’s one of the age-old techniques to shut up a feminist: “Your dour, humorless wench, you. Can’t you take a joke?” Yes, but as a rule, I prefer my jokes the way I prefer my men: funny.)

“On one side you have free speech and sexual expression advocates explaining that sex sells! The marijuana industry is no different in that respect than the fast food, car, and beer manufacturers.”

No, Mr. Belville, marketers say that sex sells, not sexual expression advocates (whoever the heck they are and can I join their club?). Your implication is that scantily clad women selling goods is a form of sexual expression, which it obviously isn’t; it’s just good old-fashioned objectification.

Or do we flaunt our freedom to communicate any message we like, risking it may harm recruiting efforts and public opinion for legalization?  Bottom line (if you’ll pardon the pun): are the extra dollars from advertising marijuana with babes in booty shorts worth impeding the legalization of marijuana?

Ah, priorities. Sure, the exploitation of women may impede a movement, but (and this is a tiny but…oops! Pardon the pun!), it may also oppress half of the population in a broad range of far-reaching and insidious ways. My takeaway? You’re not so concerned with women being squelched by this type of exploitation, because it doesn’t affect you directly. You do care if it affects the legalization of marijuana.

Mr. Belville goes on to question:

Does our outlaw counterculture and male/female imbalance just shelter us from recognizing the sexism that the mainstream’s been addressing and correcting over the past three decades, or does it actively foster an environment of sexism?

First of all, the imbalance of women to men pot smokers isn’t that substantial. Look at your numbers again. There are a lot of women smoking weed. It’s not a man’s sport. Obviously, women are shutting up for the same reasons they always shut up: fear of repercussion, not lack of agreement.

And do tell me what happened three decades ago. I had no clue that the mainstream has been “addressing and correcting” sexism since 1981. I so didn’t get that memo. Open up a magazine, turn on your television, listen to your radio, walk down your street. Sexism is alive and well and raping and exploiting in 2011. Using hot chicks to sell stuff is hardly counterculture; it’s simply more of the same. It’s very…frat. And you’re right; it does diminish a message.

I get what you were going after and do appreciate your underlying points. You’re taking the baby steps required to truly understand the objectification and unheard voices of women. And you nailed the head (is that an “excuse the pun” too? Head? Get it?) on many levels.

But as a woman, I have to walk this walk. I have to look good and sell beer. I have to speak out, and then shut up. And I have to get the joke. Even when it’s not funny.

My Kind of Hot Chick Smoking Weed!

Beth Mann is a popular blogger and writer for Open Salon and Salon. She is also an accomplished artist with over 15 years of experience, as well as the president of Hot Buttered Media. She currently resides at the Jersey shore where she can be found surfing or singing karaoke at a local dive bar.

Contact: maryjane {at }

NJ: Senate Medical Marijuana Hearing An Important Step

Photo: Chris Goldstein

The New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Services Committee will hold a public hearing on January 20, 2011 to discuss two medical marijuana resolutions SCR 130 and SCR 140. The hearings begin at 12noon in Committee Room #1 at the State House Annex.This is an important part of an ongoing legislative process to re-write regulations proposed by the Christie Administration for the medical marijuana program.Potentially qualifying NJ residents and local medical cannabis advocates found that the draft rules introduce so many new, severe restrictions that they do not follow the intent of the law.Last month the NJ Legislature agreed with that assessment. After hearing testimony before several committees the Assembly and Senate voted forward a set of resolutions introduced by Senator Nicolas Scutari. These resolutions would invalidate the rules and possibly set about re-writing them.The resolution process mandated that a public hearing be called on the issue. The transcript will be placed on the desks of all the legislators for twenty days as elected officials consider the next move. The Senate committee hearings this week will generate that key transcript.The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act was signed exactly one year ago today by then-governor Jon Corzine.Described as the most restrictive medical marijuana law in the nation, it was the first of its kind to remove provisions for home cultivation and allows registered patients just two ounces of raw plant material per month.New Jersey’s new governor Chris Christie has put up a series of barriers to the law’s implementation. So far qualifying patients have no ability to register with the state and no cannabis is being cultivated for them.Senator Nicholas Scutari (D-Union), who is the lead sponsor of the medical marijuana law released the following statement last week:“A year after passage of our medical marijuana law, patients with chronic and terminal illnesses are still awaiting relief. While I believe it is critical to get this program off the ground, implementing it within the guidelines of existing regulations will render it useless.To that end, I am committed to moving forward with overturning unworkable regulations put forward by the administration to ensure that sick and dying patients get relief. However, I am still hopeful that we will not need to see this process through.I have pledged to work with the governor on a medical marijuana program that follows the legislative intent of the law, and fulfills our promise to provide compassionate care to patients who need it the most. I remain hopeful that we will reach a true compromise.”Advocates expect that dozens of potentially qualifying patients will testify at the hearings this week.More info about NJ medical marijuana –

NJ, RI Hold Back Multi-Million Dollar Marijuana Centers

6/8/2011 – There are nine state-approved medical cannabis facilities prepared to open on the east coast. They have veritable dream-teams of expert staffers and some have tens of millions of dollars ready to invest. But Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie are holding them back.

The six in NJ and three in RI have already been approved by state authorities after a tough bidding process. On paper, they are the most heavily regulated and carefully vetted marijuana centers in the country.  But a perceived threat of federal law has given pause to the two governors.

“We received what I consider to be a clear communication that the current compassion center program would be a violation of federal law,” said Claire Richards Chief Legal Officer for RI Gov. Chaffee.

Richards is referring to a letter from US Attorney Peter Neronha that was hand-delivered in April.  Days later, Chafee announced a hold on issuing the Certificates of Registration to the dispensaries.

New Jersey has received no communication from any federal official about medical marijuana. Not to be left out, NJ Attorney General Paula Dow has sent two letters requesting clarification from the Department of Justice on April 22nd and May 23rd. But there has been no reply.

Governor Christie and his policy office have stated that NJ will not move forward until a federal clarification has been issued. New Jersey has no provisions for home cultivation by patients; they are forced into the central system of Alternative Treatment Centers. So far, not a single patient has been registered. spoke via telephone with potential facility operators in RI and NJ.  Neither would go on record with details but both expressed frustration at the current situation. Each took time to re-affirm their commitment to endure the process and eventually go into operation.

Rhode Island Rep. Scott Slater took several local patients to meet with Governor Chafee on June2nd – the same day US attorney General Eric Holder was in Providence for an unrelated visit.  Holder was cornered by the media who were asking nothing but cannabis questions. The Providence Journal reported Holder’s seemingly off-the-cuff statement:

“We are in the process of working these issues with the U.S. attorney for Rhode Island and other U.S. attorneys across the country,” he said.”My hope is that something in the not too distant future …. will be addressed.” read full

The quote sent hopeful waves through the medical cannabis community around the country. But was it enough to lift the hold on RI dispensaries? Nope.

“We were heartened to hear it,” said Claire Richards at Gov. Chaffee’s office. “Right now we are still waiting to see what he will say.”

The Garden State also seems content to wait for the federal Godot.  Messages left today at the press office for the NJ Department of Health and Senior Services inquiring about the status of the program went unanswered. Presumably the NJ hold also remains in effect.

It remains unclear as to why the two states are waiting for a federal blessing to proceed. The compassionate use measures were debated for several years in their respective legislatures. Elected officials were fully aware of the inherent conflict with federal policy when they passed the laws. But it may take unprecedented tolerance from the USDOJ in order to get these nine medical cannabis centers off of paper and into practice.

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. Questions?  [email protected]