Prince Harry gets royal marijuana treatment for NJ visit

3/28/13 by Chris Goldstein – Scores of people from around the globe have been denied legal entry into the United States because they admitted to smoking marijuana – but not Britain’s Prince Harry.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie guaranteed that Harry will remain fully clothed during an upcoming Frankenstorm Tour visit. But before he was topless (and bottomless) in Vegas the red-haired Prince was famous for being the only known stoner in such direct succession to the throne.

In 2002 word got back to Daddy (Prince Charles) that young Harry (16 at the time) was smoking cannabis. Harry was never arrested but the family made him spend one day in a gritty London rehab clinic.

Apparently the Prince of Wales hasn’t had any intimacy with MaryJane since.

But authorities, namely the US Border Patrol, have been notoriously denying entry to the United States to anyone who says they smoked marijuana – and we’re not talking about toking on the day they are trying to cross the border … but EVER.

Sometimes those who are questioned at the border checkpoints are asked if they have used illicit drugs at some point in their lifetime. An honest answer about smoking weed (again: just one single toke at a party) can get you banned from America.

This very questionable practice seems to happen most frequently to citizens of the British Commonwealth: Canadians.

A story from Vancouver BC this week highlights what happens to the serfs:

Elevator mechanic James Sward was interrogated about his drug history during a recent trip to Washington State, and decided to admit the truth: he was busted carrying pot as a teenager, though he was never charged.

But the real trouble came when he confessed he had smoked the drug. Sward’s entry was immediately denied and he found himself banned from the country for life. full article

So how does Harry, the guy with Plantagenet in his blood and cannabis in his past, keep getting past the scrutiny of our borders?

Likely for the same reason that more than 80% of the marijuana arrests in Philadelphia are young black men:  Prohibition is not equally enforced.

Laws against pot are used with tremendous discretion especially by authorities at the street level. This is why white women are rarely arrested for weed in Philly and Harry visits when he pleases.

More than seventy years of prohibition has never been an actual deterrent to marijuana use or the underground cannabis market. Instead, these laws have had institutional biases of race and class built into enforcement since the day they were put on the books.

The truth is that recreational consumers smoke cannabis in the pursuit of happiness – exercising a basic and uniquely American civil right.

Until cannabis is completely removed from the federal Controlled Substances Act it will be working-class people of color who will continue to bear the burden of these discriminatory and unjust prohibition laws.

Only when marijuana is fully legalized can we extend the same welcome that Prince Harry enjoys to the rest of the world’s sometime cannabis consumers.

Chris Goldstein is a respected marijuana reform advocate. As a writer and radio broadcaster he has been covering cannabis news for over a decade. Questions?  chris(at)

Press Release June 17, 2011 – NJ Marijuana

WHAT: Press conference and vigil in Trenton – No More Drug War

WHERE: State House steps, Trenton, New Jersey

WHEN: FRIDAY JUNE 17, 2011 —-  12:00PM to 1:00PM

CONTACT: Chris Goldstein 267 702 3731 [email protected]

President Nixon signed an Executive Order on June 17, 1971 declaring a “war on drugs.” Forty years later this failed policy has destroyed our communities and sent millions to prison. Marijuana activism groups in New Jersey are holding a press conference and vigil in Trenton. The event seeks to remember the victims of this tragic war and bring attention to new solutions for drug policy, especially for cannabis.

There are almost 60,000 drug related arrests in New Jersey each year. More than 28,000 of those arrests are for marijuana. Medical marijuana patients are caught in the crossfire all too often, with examples like NJ patients David Barnes and John Wilson.

Chris Goldstein will speak at the event, he serves on the Boards of Directors at several non-profit groups working to change marijuana laws.

“Governor Christie said last night that he is personally holding back legal access to marijuana for seriously ill residents. Coldly ignoring the clear intent of the legislature, our governor won’t even call off the drug war against AIDS and cancer patients. At this point the best way to protect medical cannabis patients is to fully decriminalize marijuana possession for all adults. ”

Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut are among fourteen states that treat marijuana possession as a civil rather than criminal offense. A civil fine is similar to a traffic ticket and does not require an arrest or jail. Assemblyman Reed Gusciora stated yesterday that he plans to introduce marijuana decrim legislation next week.

Goldstein is supportive of that possibility, “Arrests in New Jersey for marijuana violations increase every year, costing the state and municipal authorities millions of dollars. There is no better time to save our money and craft a better policy. It’s pretty simple: Do we want schools and fire departments or do we want to bust people for pot?”

“Ending the drug war is the most important social justice and economic policy change we need to make today. That change will need to start with cannabis. After 40 years of failure it is time to try something new.”

CONTACT: Chris Goldstein 267 702 3731 [email protected]

PRESS RELEASE: Dinner with Notorious Marijuana Smuggler


Notorious Marijuana Smuggler Returning to Philadelphia

WHEN: April 8, 2011 — 7:00PM-10:00PM

WHERE: Bridgett Foy’s — 200 South Street, Philadelphia

EVENT: Welcome Home Dinner for Robert Platshorn “Bobby Tuna”

Robert Platshorn served the longest sentence for any non-violent marijuana offense in US history: Thirty years in federal prison with no parole. It was all for smuggling tons of pot back in the 1970’s when he went by the name Bobby Tuna. On April 9th Magnolia Pictures will bring Bobby to the Philadelphia Cine Fest for a screening of a new documentary called Square Grouper that tells his story. Platshorn grew up right on South St. and this will mark his first trip back to the area since being released from prison.

PhillyNORML and are holding a homecoming dinner for Bob and his family on Friday April 8th. The event at 200 South Street is open to the public and the media.

Platshorn will have copies of his autobiography Black Tuna Diaries: The Story of America’s Most Notorious Marijuana Smuggle.

Bobby’s real skill was as a salesman and a deal-maker. He cut his teeth as a pitchman on the boardwalk in Atlantic City selling all kinds of wares. When he got into moving huge bails of marijuana he used boats and airplanes, but never any violence.

The equally amazing story is a whole new chapter of Bobby today. He reconnected with his wife and son on a slow but steady path to re-build his life. Platshorn has also invested himself as an advocate for marijuana law reform. He has a regular column in High Times Magazine and currently works with local NORML chapters.

The next step for Bob is starting a Silver Tour to educate seniors about the benefits of cannabis. His approach has already seen some positive impact. After speaking in Florida, state Rep. Jeff Clemens recently introduced a resolution to legalize medical marijuana.

Square Grouper from Rakontur Films and directed by Billy Corben (Cocaine Cowboys) is scheduled for a 4:20PM screening at the Ritz Theater in Philadelphia on Saturday April 9, 2011.

The April 8th dinner at Bridgett Foy’s is pay-as-you-go on separate checks in one of Philly’s fun and friendly South St venues. A $10 donation is suggested, going directly towards changing local marijuana laws.

CONTACT: Chris Goldstein 267 702 3731

chris {at}

Pot Smoke Management 101

Do you know where I'm going?

4/2/2011 – My friend lives in a co-op building in Brooklyn, where the tenants dictate how the place is run. During a recent board meeting, they discussed a scent-related issue: pot smoke. A couple that lives in one of the downstairs apartments lights up frequently. Tenants and guests are often greeted, when they enter the lobby, with a strong scent of weed. The collective wasn’t sure how to approach this couple.

My friend, a green-friendly gal who knows the couple, volunteered.

“What am I supposed to say to them? I mean, I smoke weed in my apartment,” she asked me.

“And what do you do?”

“I turn on the overhead fan, burn a little incense, open the window. Plus, I smoke weed from a little one hitter…it’s not like giant bong hits or something.”

“Well, that’s what you may want to convey to them. If they plan on smoking weed in a close quarter building, they may want to consider how to manage their smoke better.”

So here’s some “smoke management” pointers for people living in close quarters (that don’t include blowing smoke into toilet paper rolls and dryer sheets because that’s just weird). If you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment:

  • Smoke with awareness. If you want to remain off of the radar, reconsider that bong the size of a small child in the middle of your studio apartment. Unfortunately, it’s still an illegal substance and needs to be treated in that manner. In short, don’t be too casual.
  • Revisit how you smoke weed – your smoking accoutrement, in other words. Vaporizers obviously generate less scent. One hitters are less smoky. Bongs might be better left in locations where others are not likely to be affected the smoke it creates.
  • Circulation and ventilation is key. Blowing out windows isn’t always such a smart idea (you never know who is downwind). Running a fan and opening windows disperses the smoke in a gradual manner.
  • Burn a little sage instead of incense. Most incense is cheaply made crap (other than companies like Fred Soll, who produce amazing, truly all-natural sticks.) Sage dissipates into the air quickly, while removing overpowering scents (and bad mojo, according to Native American tradition). Incense can be noxious and perfumey.
  • Create a safe space. Out here in the suburbs, many weed-friendly folk have something akin to a clubhouse for weed. It’s usually in the form of a shed or a garage. Neighbors are none the wiser. (And it fosters a secret kid’s club feeling that many of us appreciate at this juncture of our adult lives.)
  • Be considerate. Remember, smoke is smoke. Some people don’t like it. Cigarette smoke is highly offensive to many pot smokers. But for others, any kind of smoke or strong scent can be an annoyance.

My friend spoke with the couple downstairs who now use their overhead fan and place a rolled-up towel under their door when partaking (there’s a substantial amount of space between their front door and the floor). These small changes seem to have made the difference. (Though several people, including myself, have complained that they don’t smell pot smoke in the lobby anymore.)



Sage Stick – Pot Smoke Dissipator and Bad Mojo Lifter

Smoke Rising Photo Source: Guiri R. Reyes

Beth Mann is a popular blogger and writer for Open Salon and Salon. She is also an accomplished actor and director with over 15 years of experience, as well as the president of Hot Buttered Media. She currently resides at the Jersey shore where she can often be seen surfing or singing karaoke at the local dive bar.

Contact: maryjane {at }

Pot Queen “Natty Baby” Kenly and Charlie Sheen – Winning

What’s there to say about Charlie Sheen that hasn’t already been said….by him? Who can forget such inimitable quotes as these?

“I’m bi-winning … If I’m bipolar, aren’t there moments where a guy, like, crashes and is lying in the corner, like, ‘Oh my God, it’s all my mom’s fault’? Shut up.”

“I have cleansed myself. I closed my eyes and in a nanosecond, I cured myself. It’s the work of sissies.”

“Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words. Imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists.”

“I’ve spent, I think, close to the last decade effortlessly and magically converting your tin cans into pure gold.”

“I have a disease? Bullshit! I cured it with my brain, with my mind…this bootleg cult arrogantly referred to as Alcoholics Anonymous supports a 5% success rate. My success is 100%.”

“I have real fame. They have nothing. They have zero. They have that night and I will forget about them as the last image of them exits my beautiful home.”

The Goddesses? Let me just say this about The Goddesses…I don’t believe the term is good enough, but when you’re bound by terrestrial descriptions, you must use the best choice available.”

Ah yes, the Goddesses, who include the very terrestrial Rachel Oberlin and Natalie Kenly. Kenly is the premiere model” for Cali Chronic X magazine and named the magazine’s “Official Chronic Girl 2010.” In addition, she is a graphic  designer and was a cheerleader in high school. Good to know.

Pot and Pumpkin Pie: Endocannabinoid System Enhanced by Vitamin E

Could eating a better diet make for a better cannabinoid experience? The journal of Free Radical Biology and Medicine published a report, which identifies vitamin E as a “modulator of the cannabinoid system.”

Alpha-Tocopheral is considered the main ingredient of vitamin E, and is well known for its anti-oxidant properties and mood elevating abilities. Low levels of alpha-tocopheral in the brain are associated with health issues such as depression and neuronal degradation.

The authors demonstrated that the actions of vitamin E can be blocked, if the cannabinoid type 1 receptor is blocked by a drug AM251. AM251 can block cannabinoid receptors and prevent them from being activated.

The authors report that the vitamin E and cannabinoid receptor interactions are occurring in a region of the brain known as the hippocampus, which may help explain the benefits of vitamin E other than its anti-oxidant properties.

Vitamin E can have profound effects on brain function, and it is widely used as a food additive. Without vitamin E in the diet a number a symptoms can start to appear, such as anxiety or ataxia.

However, vitamin E does not directly activate cannabinoid receptors, like for example THC, instead alpha-tocopheral modulates the receptor. The receptor modulation from alpha-tocopheral may be an important part of normal cannabinoid receptor function. More research is need to fully understand exactly how alpha-tocopheral obtained from the diet can influence the cannabinoid system.

High-calorie, inexpensive, high-fat and nutritionally deficient diets are common in the United States. These bad diets are correlated to obesity and brain disease. A balance of omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin E can help us live longer and healthier. The mechanism of this wonderful benefit is due to an integrated response between these lipids such as from alpha-tocopheral and cannabinoid receptors.

We ask ourselves the same questions as before; Can our diet can influence our response to cannabinoids and Cannabis? Could the negative effects of cannabinoids be related to nutritionally-deficient diets, which are also associated with mental diseases, such as depression?

This study raises a number of radical ideas that warrant further studies.

By the way…pumpkins have a good amount of vitamin E for some (possible) seasonal cannabinoid receptor system adjustments!

Jahan Marcu is currently investigating the pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors. He was working at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute when exciting discoveries were made showing enhanced anti-cancer effects with THC and CBD from the Cannabis plant. The findings were published in the Journal of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. In 2009 he received the Billy Martin Award from the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS). Jahan is currently the vice-chair the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board at Americans for Safe Access (ASA). Questions?   Contact    [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent any University, business or affiliates. While the information provided in this blog is from published scientific studies it is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Poor Diet Impairs Cannabinoid Receptors

New data suggests that our diet can effect our response to cannabinoids. The authors demonstrate that an Omega-3 deficient diet in rats leads to a less functional endocannabinoid system, specifically by reducing the functionality of the Cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R). The reduction of CB1Rs was associated by the authors with impaired emotional behavior. The endocannabinoid system may require a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. Fish, nuts,etc).

Additionally, this article discusses the lack of essential nutrients in western diets. In the United States high-calorie, inexpensive, high-fat and nutritionally deficient diets are common. These bad diets are correlated to obesity and brain disease. For example, an imbalance in Omega-3 fatty acids has been linked to nueropsychiatric diseases, like depression. However the mechanism of neuroprotection from Omega-3 fatty acids remains unknown.

We already know that our diet can influence our response to cannabinoids and Cannabis. Could the negative effects of cannabinoids be related to nutritionally-deficient diets, which are also associated with mental diseases, such as depression? Could eating a better diet make for a better cannabinoid experience? This study raises a number of radical ideas that warrant further studies.

Jahan Marcu is currently investigating the pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors. He was working at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute when exciting discoveries were made showing enhanced anti-cancer effects with THC and CBD from the Cannabis plant. Jahan is currently the vice-chair the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board at Americans for Safe Access (ASA).   Contact:  science { at }

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent any University, business or affiliates. While the information provided in this blog is from published scientific studies it is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Poll Shows NJ Voters Continue Strong Medical Marijuana Support

Photo: Chris Goldstein

New Jersey residents continued to resoundingly support legal access to medical marijuana according to data released by The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute yesterday. The extensive poll largely concerned opinions held about Governor Chris Christie, the Legislature and other politicians. But some issues were also put to 1, 276 registered NJ voters, including medical marijuana.Regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or political affiliation the people of New Jersey support the rights of seriously ill individuals having legal access to cannabis. However, the poll did not ask about the current debate over the regulations for the medical marijuana program.Here’s the full data on the question:

From Quinnipiac University Polling Institute 12/21/2010 release LINK31. Do you support or oppose allowing adults in New Jersey to legally use marijuana for medical purposes if their doctor prescribes it?——- Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht BlkSupport 76% 66% 82% 77% 77% 75% 77% 78%Oppose 21 32 16 20 20 22 20 20DK/NA 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2—- AGE IN YRS……. POL PHIL………——- 18-34 35-54 55+ Lib Mod ConSupport 87% 78% 72% 88% 81% 60%Oppose 12 19 26 10 17 37DK/NA 1 3 3 2 2 2FULL Quinnipiac POLL DATA

Of note: The same poll found that the issue of legal medical cannabis is more strongly supported by voters than any New Jersey politician or governing body. For example: Governor Christie found overall support among 48% of voters polled.Among his base of Republican voters medical marijuana is just about as popular as Mr. Christie himself: 74% approve of the governor’s job so far and 66% support medical cannabis.Overall, medical marijuana remains one of the most widely supported public policy issues in the Garden State.

Please Welcome, Dr.Cannabinergy!

Sunil Aggarwal

[Editor’s Note from Jahan Marcu] – This guest post was written by Sunil Aggarwal, M.D., PhD. Sunil Kumar Aggarwal is a graduate of the University of Washington’s NIH-supported Medical Scientist Training Program. He received his M.D. in 2010 and his Ph.D. in Medical Geography in 2008. He completed his internship in Preliminary Internal Medicine at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington and is currently continuing his Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at New York University’s Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine.

As an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Dr. Aggarwal conducted and published human studies of medical cannabis use under the first-ever granted federal Certificates of Confidentiality which protected 176 enrolled study subjects recruited both from sites of both cannabis delivery and medical consultation.  He has authored or co-authored papers on cannabinoid medical science, dosing, and human rights published in journals of Pain medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, General Medicine, and Law, in addition to a book chapter for the general public.[Read More about Dr. Aggarwal]

Dear Readers of,

My friend and colleague, cannabinoid researcher and doctoral student Jahan Marcu of Temple Univeristy, has graciously invited me to write a blog post here introducing the launch of my new website,

At its core, is a vehicle for public education to inspire, alight, and broadly educate internet users about basic and social scientific understandings regarding the endogenous cannabinoid signaling system and the cannabingeric properties of cannabis hempflowers.  It seeks to be relevant to current policy debates and therefore aims to present the ecological politics, or political ecology, of cannabis, thereby giving visitors a broader understanding of the complex web of powerful actors and grassroots movements that are variously attempting to enclose, monopolize, ignore, or democratize this increasingly valued botanical resource.  In this current scenario, a website such as is needed to help to stimulate and facilitate the public conversation regarding the status of this plant as a commons resource and its responsible use guided by science and green ethics.

The website accomplishes much of this by showcasing my own academic and personal journey as a bicultural physician-scientist and medical geographer who has, over time, come to understand the social and medicinal significance of the cannabis plant.  This is illustrated through a online digital library of papers, public presentations, interviews, personal reflections, and photographs.  The ultimate goal is to link this website up to another one called which will allow a much greater degree of user participation and dialogue.  I invite you to explore, learn, be inspired, and share at!

Thank you,

Sunil Kumar Aggarwal, M.D., PhD

aka “Dr. Cannabinergy”

Jahan Marcu is currently investigating the pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors. He was working at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute when exciting discoveries were made showing enhanced anti-cancer effects with THC and CBD from the Cannabis plant. The findings were published in the Journal of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. In 2009 he received the Billy Martin Award from the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS). Jahan is currently the vice-chair the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board at Americans for Safe Access (ASA). Questions?   Contact    [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent any University, business or affiliates. While the information provided in this blog is from published scientific studies it is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.

Philadelphia Saving Time and Money with New Pot Procedure

PhillyNORML's annual cannabis march on South Street takes place on Saturday May 21, 2011.

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s office is calling a new set of procedures for minor pot cases a success and plans to continue with the Small Amount of Marijuana (SAM) program.

Last year the Pennsylvania Supreme Court worked with the new DA, Seth Williams, to make a pragmatic change in how the justice system deals with marijuana possession of 30 grams or less. A new program was created that includes a diversion court appearance, an education class and fees of $200. The major difference is that there is no longer an instant criminal prosecution. The offender pleads to a non-drug related charge that is automatically expunged from their record.

In January PhillyNORML’s Chris Goldstein spoke with Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney Joe McGettigan about the new marijuana policy. McGettigan said that the SAM program is working, “Look, certainly this was a much better option than sending all these people into the criminal court last year for misdemeanors.”

The DA’s office provided the following figures related to the SAM program:

June 2010 to September 2010

1636 marijuana possession cases less than 30 grams TOTAL

339 bench warrants issued for failure to appear

1297 marijuana possession cases less than 30g are heard

1025 enter the Small Amount of Marijuana diversion program ( 79% )

81 went to trial

187 statuses continued

4 cases withdrawn

The procedural shift has eased penalties and a particularly harsh process for offenders. For the last two decades anyone in Philadelphia who was caught with a single joint on up to 30 grams was held for bail then prosecuted in a criminal court. This involves a tremendous amount of the justice system’s resources and the expensive procedure was almost unique in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

There are over 4,500 such cases in Philly every year (the largest concentration of pot arrests in PA) so minor marijuana offenses were literally clogging holding cells, bail officer, printing machines, court reporters, clerks, judges and courtrooms. The real world cost savings for the city this year by eliminating those expenses could tally into the millions.The shift also made a significant, tactile change; residents who consume marijuana and run afoul of prohibition laws have a less traumatic experience.

PhillyNORML’s Chris Goldstein said, “This was a positive shift for the city. Still minor marijuana possession arrests are increasing and continue a disturbing trend of being extremely racially disparate.”

An average of about 325 black men, 50 black women, 95 white men and 8 white women will be arrested every month this year in Philadelphia.